Many organizations operate under a budget they wish was larger, particularly community and non-profit companies. Significant effort is put into researching, planning, and implementing fundraising strategies, often requiring a full-time employee just for this purpose.
School and youth programs run primarily by volunteers don’t have the luxury of hiring someone to take care of fundraising efforts, and they often struggle to get the necessary resources to pull off an effective event.
Fortunately, there are still a lot of simple and cost-effective ways to pull off a successful fundraiser for your team or organization. Check out this list of fun and unique ideas before planning your next fundraising event.
Have a Yard Sale
Whether they want to admit it or not, everyone has junk around the house they’d love to get rid of, and everyone loves a good deal. Gather items from your employees, program participants, or sports team and their families, and put together a simple group yard sale. Hang signs in prominent locations and encourage everyone involved to share on their social media accounts.
Host an Event
Depending on the nature of your group or business, there are a number of fundraising ideas for different types of events you could host. For example, a community group can organize an easter egg hunt, a pumpkin carving contest, pancake breakfast, or a benefit concert. A sports team could offer a skills camp for kids or put together a 5K run/walk. A business could create a motivational training event with speakers and workshops. Charge admission based on your fundraising goals, and be sure to let everyone know the reason for the event and that additional donations are always welcome.
Reach Out to Local Businesses
Many companies have programs in place to benefit their local communities. A simple phone call or letter of inquiry to the store or business can provide you with plenty of information about how to take advantage of these programs. Some may offer grants or sponsorships, others may be willing to partner with you for a fundraiser.
For example, a restaurant may donate a percentage of the profits they make on a certain day to your organization. All you have to do is tell everyone you know to eat there that day—which can be done in a matter of minutes, thanks to social media.
Throw a Party
Invite members of your organization to participate in a cook-off, barbecue, or pool party. Many spaces can be rented for an evening and used for an event, just be clear that your intentions are to host a fundraiser.
For example, you can dedicate an evening at the local aquatic center for members of the community. The pool owners may even help you with advertising and allow you to serve/sell food. Be sure to make a formal announcement to thank everyone for coming out to support your cause and to tell them how they can make additional donations.
Simply Sheets Fundraising
Another great option for raising money is to go with a company like Simply Sheets Fundraising. Our entire operation is based on helping you succeed with your financial goals by providing a straightforward, hassle-free way to conduct a fundraiser. We provide you with the necessary information and sample materials and even manage the online orders and shipments. You can also conduct in-person sales, and have orders shipped to a representative within your group for delivery.
Learn more about our fundraising programs, why you should choose bed sheets for your fundraiser, and how to take advantage of our high-profit margins. Contact Simply Sheets Fundraising today and request more information so you can start planning your next fundraising campaign.